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Ballroom dancing

Polly Wright

New member
Is there ant cruise line that still offers live music for ballroom dancing? HAL has gone to recorded music and BB King, which doesn’t work.
There was an offensive reply to my question regarding any cruise lines still offering live music for ballroom dancing. It was a serious question because we are serious ballroom dancers. To suggest that I am on drugs for asking that question would be offensive to most people. The only line that I have been able to locate that still has live music that is suitable is Cunard. I have done extensive online inquiries and have found no others. Thereby my question. If that responder is able to offer a anything constructive, I would welcome it. Otherwise, he shouldn’t embarrass himself by trying to appear superior to others.
There was an offensive reply to my question regarding any cruise lines still offering live music for ballroom dancing. It was a serious question because we are serious ballroom dancers. To suggest that I am on drugs for asking that question would be offensive to most people. The only line that I have been able to locate that still has live music that is suitable is Cunard. I have done extensive online inquiries and have found no others. Thereby my question. If that responder is able to offer a anything constructive, I would welcome it. Otherwise, he shouldn’t embarrass himself by trying to appear superior to others.

Moderators removed the offensive post shortly after it was posted. The offender was warned and their content will be closely monitored for awhile. If you ever see an issue with a post whether it is in reply to yours or anywhere else on this site - please report it. You will find a "Report" link on the bottom of every post.
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