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Economical but decent hotel near airport/cruise port


New member
Cruising next month so looking for 1 night pre cruise stay with comp shuttle from airport and also to cruise port.
Coming in from Az Any suggestion from experienced traveler? Thanks VA
You can set your preferences and find apartments or hotels to your liking. I advise you to familiarize yourself with the area before you travel. Such an event will help you navigate easily and not run into any serious problems. Have you considered choosing a hotel on the coast of the United States? There are a lot of cool beaches and opportunities for a busy vacation. If you still like the idea, you can check out https://www.beachluxuryvacations.com/florida-30a-the-ultimate-guide-to-your-dream-vacation']30a Florida for suggestions and tips. It's a guide for traveling along the U.S. coast and having a good time.
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