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Humour On The High Seas


New member
A little old spinster was sitting quietly on a lounge, drinking tea and reading a book, in the Atrium Lobby of her favourite
cruise ship. An extremely handsome, fit, mature-age man walked over and sat down on the other end of the sofa.

After a few moments, the woman asked politely, "Are you enjoying your cruise ?"

Softly, he replied, " Yes, I am indeed. It's been 25 years since my last cruise."

"Oh, that's nice", she replied politely," What were you doing all those years ? "
He turned to her and whispered awkwardly, " I was....in prison ".

"Oh my goodness gosh, why did they put you in prison ? " she asked sympathetically.

He looked at her and very awkwardly said, " I killed my wife...with an axe "

" Oh ! " said the woman, moving closer to him, " ..... so you're single then ? "
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