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New to cruising, need all the basics to help plan


New member
My wife wants to go on a cruise. Never been on one. Have no idea where to start. We are in Mississippi an I do not know how to find out where they start from or what some of the words they use mean.Because of medical issues she can not stay on her feet an walk a lot. Cancer an chemo do strange thing. Lose feeling in your fee an other things. I am notsure about location of rooms, things like that, really lost on the e crduise sites. Thank you.
Here is some good information that will help you start your planning:

The more questions below you can answer, the easier it will be to plan:
1) Cruise Destination - Do you have any specific destinations you would like to go to? Caribbean Cruise, Alaskan Cruise, European River Cruise

2) Cruise Embarkation Port - Are you looking to cruise from the closest embarkation (see terminology link above) port to you? or are you willing to travel to another embarkation port further away with additional ship and itinerary options?

3) Budget - Is their a budget you are looking to stay within? You can cruise on a wide range of budgets, but if you are trying to cruise for the least amount possible it will eliminate some cruise lines, longer cruises and limit you most likely to cruising from your nearest embarkation port due to the savings from additional travel expenses.

4) Dates - When do you want to go? Just a general time of year, or do you have specific dates.

If it's your first cruise I would recommend no more than a 7 or 8 day cruise. Cruising is not for some people and doing more than that your first time maybe a little too much.

If you are traveling from Mississippi your closest ports are New Orleans, LA and Mobile, AL. You will have more choices going out of New Orleans. If cruising out of New Orleans try to avoid cruising around their festivals like Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest, etc. Prices will be significantly higher if you plan on staying overnight in town prior to or after the cruise.

Cruising during the summer or during time when kids are out of school (spring break, holidays, etc.) will generally mean there will be more children onboard and also typically means the prices will be a little higher. This may be something you want to consider.

From there you can start to look at Cruise Line options and Cruise Ship options. Then comes cabin selection and any excursions you would like to do.

This resource will also be helpful:
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