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teenage dining


New member

I'm a first time cruiser due to go on the carnival sensation next july. My son will be 14 years old and i was wondering if they do a junior menu as the kids menu is too small! and the adults menu seems to be with sauces & herbs-he likes plain food!
many thanks
Deb I think you will find that the choices of food, and how it is served, on the Carnival line or any other cruise line is so varied that your son, and yourself will be overwhelmed. In the dining room, your son will be able to choose from the a la carte menu what ever he wants and how he wants it. If the serving is too large, just push it to one side, it's not a problem. In the buffet 'room', he will be able to choose anything and everything in any quantity. Then there's the hamburger and hot dog stall, the ice-cream bar, the pizza parlour - and that's just on-board. Ashore in every port of course there, is McDonalds, Kentucky Fried, Subway .......... etc etc. ,

Don't stress. Lay back and relax, enjoy. Your son may even find that his culinary tastes become somewhat broader. Have a great cruise.
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