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Your favorite cruise line and why?

Two 'favorites'. Holland America and Norwegian. Holland for the distinct lack of ankle biters on board. There's some but not like Carnival or RCL. We're both seniors and while I love my grandchildren and great grandchildren, if they aren't mine, I'd rather not see them. The food is excellent and service has been second to none. I only have on complaint on HAL, if you are doing a Panama Canal cruise use someone else - they have this stupid 8 foot high tinted glass wall on the forward observation deck, and you can't even see though it with the sea spray much less take pictures. That was awful. Several of us tried to stack chairs up to stand on and see over it and some junior officer came and litterally yelled at us to get down and leave the deck. Very rude.

Norwegian for the variety, especially in foods. We tend to do upscale dining not buffet and Cagney's is awesome. The normal dining room fare is varied which is UNLIKE Princess which on 2 cruises had the same food every other day, and mostly it was boring fare. Norwegian (in our experience) had the best shore excursions that we've been on. On one, the bus we were on was so bad with exhaust fumes and a ride to shake your innards loose, and they refunded everyone's money (even the ones that didn't complain out loud) without question. I thought that was awesome.
Ron and Marianne here. We have been on 8 RCCL and 2 Norwegian cruises. What is your favorite cruise line and why?
We have done 3 RCCL and 8 Norwegian, simply because we have received a better deal on the cruise price. Like the anytime dining on Norwegian but I do like having the same waiter every night on RCCL. They both have things we like, but I would say my preference would be RCCL first.
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