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Cruising Earth Unsubscruibe

You are here because you want to "unsubscribe".

Well, technically there is no "unsubscribe" at Cruising Earth. You ask why? That is because Cruising Earth never sends out any unsolicited or automated emails to unsubscribe from.

Whether you've been a member here for 10 minutes or 10 years the number of emails you have received from us would be the same, just 2. The initial email sent is to confirm your registration email address is valid, immediately followed by an email informing you that your registration is now fully activated - then silence forever after. How many websites can claim that?!

That being said if you really want to have your account completely deleted, just send us a message through our Contact Form asking us to delete your account and we can do that for you.

Otherwise, your account will just sit here quietly for you whenever you may need it again, whether it's an hour from now or 10 years from now. You do not need to worry about unwanted spam. In the 12+ years we've been online we've never sent any.

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