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Cargo ship hits Francis Scott Key Bridge overnight causing it to collapse into Baltimore Harbor

Cruising Earth News

Staff member
At around 1:40AM EDT on 3/26/2024 a Singapore flagged 980ft cargo ship struck a support of the Francis Scott Key Bridge causing a large portion of the 1.6 mile long bridge to immediately collapse into Baltimore Harbor. The search and rescue mission is still ongoing for persons on the bridge at the time of the collapse. It is estimated there were around 20 people that went into the the frigid waters (48.4° F) at the time of the collapse. The Francis Scott Key Bridge is a major traffic and transportation hub for the U.S. East Coast and the entry point to the Port of Baltimore.

Some additional affects of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse:
1) Baltimore Harbor is the #1 importer for sugar in the United States
2) Baltimore Harbor is the #1 importer for gypsum (used for making drywall) in the United States
3) Baltimore Harbor is the #1 importer for auto imports in the United States
4) Baltimore Harbor is the #1 importer for farm and construction machinery in the United States
5) Baltimore Harbor is the #2 exporter for coal in the United States
6) Baltimore Harbor is one of the largest exporters of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in the United States
7) Two cruise ships are homeported in Baltimore (Carnival Legend & Vision Of The Seas)

Currently with the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed into Baltimore Harbor most import and export ship operations into and out of the Port of Baltimore are blocked. The collapsed bridge debris will make passage of large ships into Baltimore Harbor unsafe for the foreseeable future.

Bridge Collapse:

Bridge After Collapse As Sunrises:
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